When a person eats slowly, enjoying the taste of food and every bite, the signal of saturation is fed to the brain much faster. With a quick meal, saturation will take much longer, and a person in such a situation will want to eat something else.
“Sticking” of stress, joy, sadness, of course, has an effect, but not for long. Most often, emotional relief leads to overeating. It is worth trying to find other ways to relieve tension, for example, dancing, sports, a walk in the fresh air or doing your favorite hobby can help.
Naturally, everyone has different body constitutions. Someone is lucky with a waist, someone with hips, so it makes no sense to torture yourself by over-doing it with sports. Loving and respecting your body is very important.
Intuitive nutrition is not a reason to forget my body and think “I am who I am.” Fast food or sweets in large quantities obviously will not bring the body anything good. However, this does not mean that they should be excluded, the main thing in this case is moderation. The same with sports, you should not ignore physical exercises, because they heal the body and increase endurance. It is necessary by trial and error to choose the appropriate sport – it will be found. Some people like yoga, while others like more active physical activities such as aerobics.
Thus, the main purpose of intuitive power is to make peace with food and your own body, learn to listen to your needs and find your perfect figure forever.
A person needs a whole range of complex vitamins and microelements for the normal functioning of the body, but some of them play a special role in our body’s vital activity.
Calcium is needed for bones and teeth, without it, the body will not get stronger. In addition, it takes part in the muscles, immune and nervous systems, by contributing to blood clotting. Phosphorus is also necessary for bones and teeth, and for muscles, it participates in the reproduction and division of cells, reduces the likelihood of sand and kidney stones, and is involved in all bodily processes. But the human body is not able to absorb calcium and phosphorus without vitamin D. This is what my post is about today.
Due to a lack of vitamin D, bones become weak, immunity goes down, and a variety of diseases can develop, including cardiovascular and cancerous ones. Its deficiency leads to health problems ending in death.
In many countries, the shortage is compensated by special treatment with ultraviolet rays of some products: milk, mushrooms, cottage cheese, kefir. This allows you to exclude some health problems among the population. Countries are particularly at risk where, due to climatic conditions, there is a clear lack of sun.
It is very important at an early age to give children enough Vitamin D, otherwise, in the first months of life, rickets can begin to develop, leading to serious complications. In adulthood, a person needs 600 IU per day of vitamin D, children need 400 IU, and older people up to 800 IU.
It is possible to provide the body with this substance in several ways: by means of direct exposure of the skin to ultraviolet rays, by taking multivitamin complexes, and also by adjusting the diet.
To saturate the body with vitamin D, you need to be in the open sun for about an hour a week, without using protective agents. Ultraviolet rays, reaching the open skin, help a person to synthesize this substance.
With food, it is problematic to fully supply the right amount, but still, the diet needs to be diversified with products having a high content of this substance. These products include chicken, eggs, sardines, tuna, mackerel or salmon.
If you take vitamin D as a separate component, then there is a risk of overdosing, which also adversely affects health, leading to intoxication. Therefore, sunbathing is considered the best option, but too much is also harmful. It is enough to be in the sun 2-3 times a week for 15-20 minutes.
Toss and turn in bed at midnight, but can’t sleep? Before you start taking pills, try natural sleeping pills. This is what my post is about today.
Milk has traditionally been used for this purpose, very often by grandmothers. A glass of warm milk with a drop of honey soothes not only our childhood memories but also due to the content of tryptophan. It is needed for the formation of melatonin – a hormone that soothes.
Some foods can improve the quality of sleep, others improve sleep. Products containing magnesium and potassium increase the concentration of melatonin.
1. Almond. This protein source is rich in magnesium which relaxes the muscles. It also contains proteins which help maintain blood sugar levels. Almonds contain riboflavin and L-carnitine, essential for the brain. It is easily digested, which contributes to a peaceful sleep. Other nuts work the same way. Choose nuts unroasted and unsalted.
2. Tea. The best choice of tea before bedtime is a herbal tea without caffeine. Mint, chamomile, tea from lemon balm or hops will work well. Even in the case of herbal teas, consult your doctor about their use. They may affect other medications being taken.
Eat3. Cottage cheese supports and helps us to fall into a deep sleep. It contains a large amount of protein, vitamins and minerals.
4. Banana. You can use it instead of a sleeping tablet because it contains potassium and magnesium. Both of these minerals relax muscles. It also contains tryptophan. Drink a banana cocktail in the evening – a combination of milk and honey will be ideal for sleeping.
5. Oatmeal. It contains calcium, magnesium, silicon, potassium and phosphorus, that is, minerals that are very important for good sleep. Cook porridge with milk and add fruit instead of sugar.
7. Gelatin. Ideal without sugar and dyes. It contains the amino acids proline and glycine, which not only benefit the health of the skin, hair and nails, but also accelerate wound healing, improve immunity and sleep quality.
8. Grape wine. As they contain melatonin it means that sleep is guaranteed. Even a small glass of wine will help you fall asleep, but be careful because alcohol can also work as a stimulant.
10. Eggs. If hunger comes before bedtime, ideally eat one hard-boiled egg. Eggs contain tryptophan. If you add an egg to a salad, it will be just the perfect light dinner and a ticket for a good night’s sleep.
Escudella is a typical Catalan broth and, essentially, it is the same dish as the putxero with meatballs or broth with meatballs from Valencia. It is made by simmering meat in a pot with vegetables such as chickpeas, potatoes and cabbage. Usually, onion or leek, celery, carrots and one or two cloves of garlic are also added. Because it is a hot dish, it is usually eaten in winter. It has an intense, moderately salty flavour depending on the variety of ingredients that are used. The level of saltines depends on the taste of each person, although generally it is advisable not to add salt as its already contained in the ingredients. The texture of escudella is usually very soft, although it can be thickened with meat or by adding grains. It does not have a specific recipe since it is a traditional dish and each person, family or town preppers it in their own way. At Christmas, it is usually cooked with soup de galets, a large pasta that is sometimes stuffed with small meatballs.
Escudella is a typical Catalan broth and, essentially, it is the same dish as the putxero with meatballs or broth with meatballs from Valencia. It is made by simmering meat in a pot with vegetables such as chickpeas, potatoes and cabbage. Usually, onion or leek, celery, carrots and one or two cloves of garlic are also added. Because it is a hot dish, it is usually eaten in winter. It has an intense, moderately salty flavour depending on the variety of ingredients that are used. The level of saltines depends on the taste of each person, although generally it is advisable not to add salt as its already contained in the ingredients. The texture of escudella is usually very soft, although it can be thickened with meat or by adding grains. It does not have a specific recipe since it is a traditional dish and each person, family or town preppers it in their own way. At Christmas, it is usually cooked with soup de galets, a large pasta that is sometimes stuffed with small meatballs.
Carn d’olla (traditional stewed meat) is usually made up of black and white sausages, pilota (meatball), lean beef, a bit of lamb, chicken breast, some pork cheeks or ears, and bacon.
Pilota (meatball) is a very characteristic part of carn d’olla, it is made by mixing minced meat with egg, garlic, parsley and some pepper and salt, forming a large, oval meatball that is cooked with broth and usually cut into thick slices at the time of serving. In particular, the pilota for Christmas escudella is made by mixing beef and pork minced meat, with egg, garlic and chopped parsley, grated bread and black pepper, which are than formed to an elongated meatball about 15 cm long and 8 cm in diameter, which is covered with flour before cooking. Other simpler Catalan soups may also have meatballs. When it comes to everyday food, there are broth soups made with pasta and small meatballs, the size of a grape.
Carn d’olla can be served together with vegetables and broth or separately. When served without the broth, the meat and potatoes are accompanied with a vinaigrette.
Traditionally the broth was separated and the soup was made from it by cooking in it thick noodles or rice. Since less time is dedicated to cooking, considering its elaboration and the variety of ingredients that it requires, it has become a Christmas or winter holiday dish. At Christmas, it is typical to eat the soup with large galettes (a type of large pasta) sometimes stuffed with minced meat, that is not very common at any other time of the year, while the rest of the year it is often eaten with thick noodles and rice.
The word escudella in the Middle Ages referred to the bowl to which soups and dishes with sauce were served, later, as with many traditional dishes (paella, caldereta, ollada, tìa, tagina, etc.), the content started to be called with the name of the container. It has also shaped other words, for example, the verb escudellar, which would mean to serve the soup on the plate. It has also derived to an idiomatic expression of the language: “fer escudella” (eng. to make escudella), which means to annoy, to bother. At that time the soups were eaten with bread.
Escudella with carn d’olla is the oldest documented soup dish in Europe and Francesc Eiximenis (Catalan Franciscan writer from the fourteenth century of the Crown of Aragon) explains that in the 14th century it was a dish that every Catalonian ate every day. It originates with the peasant families that cooked the remains of the harvest and other ingredients from the pantry.
Formerly, on a weekday the pilota was made only with bread crumbs and bacon. This type of escudella was also made in Occitania, where the meatball was called ròsola. The meatball of bread and bacon still exist, or rather an evolution of it, in which, over time, the bread was replaced with potatoes, it is called farcidures.
If there was meat leftover from the carn d’olla, it was warmed on a pan or served cold and mixed. In some places, the meat leftovers were used to make a trinxat with potatoes and cabbage, celery, etc. as desired (trinxat is a mix of mashed potatoes with the above mentioned ingredients).
These soups could have been made with seasonal vegetables, root vegetables and meats that were available. They were eaten very often, if not every day, in a large part of Europe and the Mediterranean, in each place adapted according to the available ingredients. The specific ingredients also depended on the personal economy of each family and to what they had available at the time of preparation in the garden and pantry. Moreover, there were different versions depending on the occasion whether it was prepared for a “party” or just a weekday. The weekday versions had more vegetables and bones and little meat while those prepared for celebrations, in the Catalan Countries, had to have “the Quatre Evangelistes” (eng. four evangelists): pork, chicken, beef and lamb. The olla or escudella with Christmas carn d’olla was the richest party version.